Rabikar's wife Puspo is a simple women. They live hapiily in a village with their only son. Poltu rabikars mijan sahib had also afforded them with a small and confortable lace to live in
In absence of rabikar, mjan sahib often vists pushpo s house. Onesuch day puspo gets raped. Rabikar after returning honme goes to the police station to file a complain.....
Humayun ahamed says a story that reveals human relations crime and they are interlinked in the usal atory line holds back the suspense to unfold the truth.
In absence of rabikar, mjan sahib often vists pushpo s house. Onesuch day puspo gets raped. Rabikar after returning honme goes to the police station to file a complain.....
Humayun ahamed says a story that reveals human relations crime and they are interlinked in the usal atory line holds back the suspense to unfold the truth.
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