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How We Test Software At Microsoft
Author: Alan Page , Ken Johnston

Publisher: Wp Publishers / Microsoft Press
ISBN: 9780735624252
Pages: 423
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"It may surprise you to learn that Microsoft employs as many software testers as developers. Less surprising is the emphasis the company places on the testing discipline?and its role in managing quality across a diverse, 150+ product portfolio.

This book?written by three of Microsoft’s most prominent test professionals?shares the best practices, tools, and systems used by the company’s 9,000-strong corps of testers. Learn how your colleagues at Microsoft design and manage testing, their approach to training and career development, and what challenges they see ahead. Most important, you’ll get practical insights you can apply for better results in your organization.

Discover how to:

Design effective tests and run them throughout the product lifecycle
Minimize cost and risk with functional tests, and know when to apply structural techniques
Measure code complexity to identify bugs and potential maintenance issues
Use models to generate test cases, surface unexpected application behavior, and manage risk
Know when to employ automated tests, design them for long-term use, and plug into an automation infrastructure
Review the hallmarks of great testers?and the tools they use to run tests, probe systems, and track progress efficiently
Explore the challenges of testing services vs. shrink-wrapped software