Tender Rebel
Scottish heiress Roslynn Chadwick needs the safety of marriage to protect her from an unscrupulous cousin and from the army of fortune�hunting scoundrels who covet her wealth and beauty. And Anthony Malory is everything she has been warned about.
A ruthless, irresistibly handsome English rogue, Malory's sensual blue eyes speak of limitless pleasures. How Roslynn wishes she dared love such a man, but believing his passionate promises will only lead her into uncertain realms � and to unimagined heights of love.
A ruthless, irresistibly handsome English rogue, Malory's sensual blue eyes speak of limitless pleasures. How Roslynn wishes she dared love such a man, but believing his passionate promises will only lead her into uncertain realms � and to unimagined heights of love.
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